Tabbed Panels

Tabbed panels on a web page have a box where content is displayed for each panel, with a label attached at the very top of each panel. There is generally two or more tabs in a panel, with each panel containing different information. One example is a tabbed panel, with each panel showing a different cooking recipe. The name of the recipe for a panel would be in the label at the top of the panel. Depending on the screen reader you use, and even your web browser, will affect how you navigate through and read the content of the tabbed panels below. One method is to hit the letter u for unvisited link to move through the tabs, or Shift u to move backwards through the tabs. When you land on a tab you want to explore, try hitting the letter n for next text, then down arrow or issue the read all key command. When you are finished reading the content of the tab you are on, try holding down the Shift key and hitting the letter u to move backward through the panels. The screen reader will probably consider the following tabs to be form elements, so try hitting Enter on one of the tabs, and then using the left and right arrow keys to move through the tabs. Hit the Escape key to leave forms mode. You are going to need to experiment and practice with these tabbed panels to determine what works best for you. After you are finished practicing with the tabbed panels, move to the link at the bottom of this page titled "BACK" to go to the "Internet Lessons" page.

Content 1

Font Formatting Key Commands

Control b turns on and off bold

Control i turns on and off italics

Control u turns on and off italics

Control right bracket makes the font one point size larger

Control left bracket makes the font one point size smaller

Content 2

Text Positioning Key Commands

Control r right aligns text

Control e centers text

Control l left aligns text

Control t makes a hanging indent

Control 1 single spaces lines

Control 2 double spaces lines

Content 3

Navigation Key Commands

Control Home moves to top of web page or document

Control End moves to the bottom of web page or document

Home moves to the beginning of the line, not the beginning of a sentence

End moves to the end of a line, not the end of a sentence

Control right arrow moves forward word by word

Control left arrow moves backward word by word

right arrow moves forward letter by letter or number by number

left arrow moves backward letter by letter or number by number

Control down arrow moves down paragraph by paragraph

Control up arrow moves up paragraph by paragraph

Content 4

Web Element Key Commands

h headings

u unvisited link

v visited link

b button

e edit box

c combo box

r radio button

m frame

g graphic

l list

x checkbox

Content 5

Windows key d or m minimizes all and moves to Windows Desktop

Windows key e moves to Windows File Explorer

Windows key opens the Windows Start menu; when hit a second time closes the Windows Start Menu

Tab moves through the main areas of Windows including Desktop, System Tray, Task Manager, and Start menu

Shift Tab moves backwards through the main areas of Windows

Down arrow moves down any open menu, with right arrow opening sub menus, and left arrow closing sub menus

Up arrow moves up any open menu

Enter activates any menu item or icon

Escape closes any sub menu, then menu

Alt Tab moves through open programs of the Task Manager

Alt F4 closes the open program